The joy of Inner Exploration

With Dr Fernand Poulin and Dr Ilaria Di Donato 

In English with Italian translation 


Going Within is a devotional time of deepening, by surrendering to and going within the space of consciousness

Sitting together in Satsang we inquiry to recognize and realize what our life’s experiences are truly pointing to that already exist naturally within the quantum space of Spirit.


Metaphysically, we journey with guided meditations through our endocrine and nervous systems to reset and embody the essences of our true nature: Love, Peace, Freedom, Joy, Happiness, Beauty. 

These quantum beings, embodied in the endocrine glands, communicate to each other, and those messages are relayed hormonally and neurologically to all cells of the body. 

This brings about a level of presence that our senses can truly enjoy with conscious awareness.


We are committed to point to you through inquiry what is yearning to be recognized within you, so you can actualize living a life of fulfillment and joy.


We're happy and excited to share with you this magical journey in the depths of our beings, and look forward to sitting together in Firenze!

Con amore 

Fernand e Ilaria 


September 20th to 22nd

Friday 6 - 7.30pm

Saturday 10 - 5.30pm

Sunday 9.30 - 1pm

In Florence, Italy 


what's the price?

Early bird €289 within july 31st (with €99 deposit)

last minute €299 (with €109 deposit)


The deposit is not refundable. Balance will be paid on arrival


Who is this for?

Everyone. No previous experience is required, just an open heart, willing to explore the dephts of our being.

La gioia di immergerci nella nostra vera essenza 

con il Dr. Fernand Poulin e la Dott.ssa Ilaria Di Donato 



Going within è un workshop di profonda esplorazione dello spazio della coscienza e della nostra consapevolezza.

Viaggeremo, grazie a meditazioni guidate, attraverso il nostro sistema endocrino e nervoso per resettare ed incarnare sempre più le dimensioni essenziali della nostra vera natura: Amore, Pace, Libertà, Gioia, Felicità, Bellezza


Questi "esseri quantici", incarnati nelle ghiandole endocrine, comunicano tra loro, e quei messaggi vengono trasmessi ormonalmente e neurologicamente a tutte le cellule del corpo. 

Imparare a connetterci consapevolmente con questa dimensione, e ad espandere la nostra coscienza, ci aiuta a raggiungere un diverso livello di presenza, che i nostri sensi possono assaporare per vivere sempre più connessi con l'Anima e lo Spirito.

Ti guideremo verso ciò che desidera essere riconosciuto dentro di te, ciò che le esperienze della vita ti stanno mostrando come già esistente naturalmente nella dimensione quantistica dello Spirito, in modo che tu possa sempre più fiorire in una vita di realizzazione.

Siamo felici ed emozionati di accompagnarti in questo magico viaggio nella profondità di chi siamo, e non vediamo l'ora di incontrarci a Firenze!

Con amore

Fernand e Ilaria


Dal 20 al 22 Settembre

Venerdi 18 - 19.30

Sabato 10 - 17.30

Domenica 9.30 - 13

A Firenze 


Qual è il prezzo?

Sconto Early bird €289 entro il 31luglio (€99 deposito) 

last minute €299 ( €109 deposito)


Il deposito non è rimborsabile. Il saldo sarà pagato all'arrivo.



Tutti! Nessuna esperienza è richiesta, solo il desiderio di aprirsi all'esplorazione della nostra vera natura.

Dr. Fernand Poulin is a dedicated healing professional, educator and spiritual leader.

An innovative thinker with thirty years of research and practice in the field of Energy Medicine. Dr. Poulin brings a comprehensive

synthesis of physical, energetic and psycho-spiritual healing to his students and patients.


Of Algonquin and Ojibwa ancestry, Dr. Poulin inherited his gift of healing from French Canadian grand-parents who practiced

distant spiritual healing. At the age of 24, he experienced an

awakening in which he began to see colors and patterns of

energy around the human body. This life-changing event began

his journey into formal study with Native American Medicine

people, shamans, and spiritual healers from all parts of the world.

He received a bachelor’s degree in Theology and Philosophy of

Sacred Healing under the direction of Rosalyn Bruyere.


Dr. Poulin also holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Doctorate in Chiropractic. He is trained in Cranial Sacral Therapy, Applied

Kinesiology, Somato-Emotional Release Technique and Visceral Mobilization. Dr. Poulin is a Mesa carrier of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Peru. 


In addition to practicing the art and science of healing, lecturing, writing and directing WhiteWinds Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Poulin teaches, coaches and consults in Florence, Italy.


Dr Ilaria Di Donato, PhD

With a Master's degree in Mindfulness and Neurosciences, one in Philosophy, a PhD in psychological counselling and body focused therapies, and nearly three decades of working with people in the realm of personal growth and meditation, Ilaria’s work merges the worlds of science and spirituality in a very unique way. 

A rich blend of techniques and traditions, her transformational sessions support you in uncovering and transforming limiting beliefs, energies, and what might be holding you back from fully flowering in your life.